Scent Work
AKC Scent Work is an exciting and mentally stimulating activity that taps into your dog’s natural ability to detect and identify scents. Modeled after the work of professional detection dogs, this sport involves teaching your dog to locate specific odors – such as birch, anise, or clove – hidden in various environments, from containers and furniture to outdoor areas. The goal is for the dog to find the odor source and signal its handler through a trained alert
Scent works is open to all dogs, regardless of breed, size, or age. From energetic puppies to senior dogs, this sport provides mental and physical stimulation, which is excellent for their overall well-being. It’s also a fantastic way for handlers to connect with their dogs, as teamwork and trust are key to success.
Come and see what it’s all about—watch your dog’s natural abilities shine as you discover a new, enriching activity together.

Upcoming Scent Work Events
Sniff n go Entry
VKC Scent Work seminar with Jane Knight
More info coming soon!